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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
// @tag extras,core
// @require ../Ext-more.js
// @define Ext.util.Format

 * @class Ext.util.Format
 * This class is a centralized place for formatting functions. It includes
 * functions to format various different types of data, such as text, dates and numeric values.
 * ## Localization
 * This class contains several options for localization. These can be set once the library has loaded,
 * all calls to the functions from that point will use the locale settings that were specified.
 * Options include:
 * - thousandSeparator
 * - decimalSeparator
 * - currenyPrecision
 * - currencySign
 * - currencyAtEnd
 * This class also uses the default date format defined here: {@link Ext.Date#defaultFormat}.
 * ## Using with renderers
 * There are two helper functions that return a new function that can be used in conjunction with
 * grid renderers:
 *     columns: [{
 *         dataIndex: 'date',
 *         renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')
 *     }, {
 *         dataIndex: 'time',
 *         renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0.000')
 *     }]
 * Functions that only take a single argument can also be passed directly:
 *     columns: [{
 *         dataIndex: 'cost',
 *         renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney
 *     }, {
 *         dataIndex: 'productCode',
 *         renderer: Ext.util.Format.uppercase
 *     }]
 * ## Using with XTemplates
 * XTemplates can also directly use Ext.util.Format functions:
 *     new Ext.XTemplate([
 *         'Date: {startDate:date("Y-m-d")}',
 *         'Cost: {cost:usMoney}'
 *     ]);
 * @singleton
(function() {

    var UtilFormat     = Ext.util.Format = {},
        stripTagsRE    = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi,
        stripScriptsRe = /(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig,
        nl2brRe        = /\r?\n/g,
        allHashes      = /^#+$/,

        // Match a format string characters to be able to detect remaining "literal" characters
        formatPattern = /[\d,\.#]+/,

        // A RegExp to remove from a number format string, all characters except digits and '.'
        formatCleanRe  = /[^\d\.#]/g,

        // A RegExp to remove from a number format string, all characters except digits and the local decimal separator.
        // Created on first use. The local decimal separator character must be initialized for this to be created.

        // Cache ofg number formatting functions keyed by format string
        formatFns = {};

    Ext.apply(UtilFormat, {
         * @property {String} thousandSeparator
         * The character that the {@link #number} function uses as a thousand separator.
         * This may be overridden in a locale file.
        thousandSeparator: ',',

         * @property {String} decimalSeparator
         * The character that the {@link #number} function uses as a decimal point.
         * This may be overridden in a locale file.
        decimalSeparator: '.',

         * @property {Number} currencyPrecision
         * The number of decimal places that the {@link #currency} function displays.
         * This may be overridden in a locale file.
        currencyPrecision: 2,

         * @property {String} currencySign
         * The currency sign that the {@link #currency} function displays.
         * This may be overridden in a locale file.
        currencySign: '$',

         * @property {Boolean} currencyAtEnd
         * This may be set to <code>true</code> to make the {@link #currency} function
         * append the currency sign to the formatted value.
         * This may be overridden in a locale file.
        currencyAtEnd: false,

         * Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined.
         * @param {Object} value Reference to check
         * @return {Object} Empty string if converted, otherwise the original value
        undef : function(value) {
            return value !== undefined ? value : "";

         * Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty.
         * @param {Object} value Reference to check
         * @param {String} [defaultValue=""] The value to insert of it's undefined.
         * @return {String}
        defaultValue : function(value, defaultValue) {
            return value !== undefined && value !== '' ? value : defaultValue;

         * Returns a substring from within an original string.
         * @param {String} value The original text
         * @param {Number} start The start index of the substring
         * @param {Number} length The length of the substring
         * @return {String} The substring
         * @method
        substr : 'ab'.substr(-1) != 'b'
        ? function (value, start, length) {
            var str = String(value);
            return (start < 0)
                ? str.substr(Math.max(str.length + start, 0), length)
                : str.substr(start, length);
        : function(value, start, length) {
            return String(value).substr(start, length);

         * Converts a string to all lower case letters.
         * @param {String} value The text to convert
         * @return {String} The converted text
        lowercase : function(value) {
            return String(value).toLowerCase();

         * Converts a string to all upper case letters.
         * @param {String} value The text to convert
         * @return {String} The converted text
        uppercase : function(value) {
            return String(value).toUpperCase();

         * Format a number as US currency.
         * @param {Number/String} value The numeric value to format
         * @return {String} The formatted currency string
        usMoney : function(v) {
            return UtilFormat.currency(v, '$', 2);

         * Format a number as a currency.
         * @param {Number/String} value The numeric value to format
         * @param {String} [sign] The currency sign to use (defaults to {@link #currencySign})
         * @param {Number} [decimals] The number of decimals to use for the currency
         * (defaults to {@link #currencyPrecision})
         * @param {Boolean} [end] True if the currency sign should be at the end of the string
         * (defaults to {@link #currencyAtEnd})
         * @return {String} The formatted currency string
        currency: function(v, currencySign, decimals, end) {
            var negativeSign = '',
                format = ",0",
                i = 0;
            v = v - 0;
            if (v < 0) {
                v = -v;
                negativeSign = '-';
            decimals = Ext.isDefined(decimals) ? decimals : UtilFormat.currencyPrecision;
            format += (decimals > 0 ? '.' : '');
            for (; i < decimals; i++) {
                format += '0';
            v = UtilFormat.number(v, format);
            if ((end || UtilFormat.currencyAtEnd) === true) {
                return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}{2}", negativeSign, v, currencySign || UtilFormat.currencySign);
            } else {
                return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}{2}", negativeSign, currencySign || UtilFormat.currencySign, v);

         * Formats the passed date using the specified format pattern.
         * @param {String/Date} value The value to format. If a string is passed, it is converted to a Date
         * by the Javascript's built-in Date#parse method.
         * @param {String} [format] Any valid date format string. Defaults to {@link Ext.Date#defaultFormat}.
         * @return {String} The formatted date string.
        date: function(v, format) {
            if (!v) {
                return "";
            if (!Ext.isDate(v)) {
                v = new Date(Date.parse(v));
            return Ext.Date.dateFormat(v, format || Ext.Date.defaultFormat);

         * Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently.
         * @param {String} format Any valid date format string. Defaults to {@link Ext.Date#defaultFormat}.
         * @return {Function} The date formatting function
        dateRenderer : function(format) {
            return function(v) {
                return UtilFormat.date(v, format);

         * Strips all HTML tags.
         * @param {Object} value The text from which to strip tags
         * @return {String} The stripped text
        stripTags : function(v) {
            return !v ? v : String(v).replace(stripTagsRE, "");

         * Strips all script tags.
         * @param {Object} value The text from which to strip script tags
         * @return {String} The stripped text
        stripScripts : function(v) {
            return !v ? v : String(v).replace(stripScriptsRe, "");

         * Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB).
         * @param {Number/String} size The numeric value to format
         * @return {String} The formatted file size
        fileSize : (function(){
            var byteLimit = 1024,
                kbLimit = 1048576,
                mbLimit = 1073741824;
            return function(size) {
                var out;
                if (size < byteLimit) {
                    if (size === 1) {
                        out = '1 byte';    
                    } else {
                        out = size + ' bytes';
                } else if (size < kbLimit) {
                    out = (Math.round(((size*10) / byteLimit))/10) + ' KB';
                } else if (size < mbLimit) {
                    out = (Math.round(((size*10) / kbLimit))/10) + ' MB';
                } else {
                    out = (Math.round(((size*10) / mbLimit))/10) + ' GB';
                return out;

         * It does simple math for use in a template, for example:
         *     var tpl = new Ext.Template('{value} * 10 = {value:math("* 10")}');
         * @return {Function} A function that operates on the passed value.
         * @method
        math : (function(){
            var fns = {};

            return function(v, a){
                if (!fns[a]) {
                    fns[a] = Ext.functionFactory('v', 'return v ' + a + ';');
                return fns[a](v);

         * Rounds the passed number to the required decimal precision.
         * @param {Number/String} value The numeric value to round.
         * @param {Number} precision The number of decimal places to which to round the first parameter's value.
         * @return {Number} The rounded value.
        round : function(value, precision) {
            var result = Number(value);
            if (typeof precision == 'number') {
                precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
                result = Math.round(value * precision) / precision;
            return result;

         * Formats the passed number according to the passed format string.
         * The number of digits after the decimal separator character specifies the number of
         * decimal places in the resulting string. The *local-specific* decimal character is
         * used in the result.
         * The *presence* of a thousand separator character in the format string specifies that
         * the *locale-specific* thousand separator (if any) is inserted separating thousand groups.
         * By default, "," is expected as the thousand separator, and "." is expected as the decimal separator.
         * ## New to Ext JS 4
         * Locale-specific characters are always used in the formatted output when inserting
         * thousand and decimal separators.
         * The format string must specify separator characters according to US/UK conventions ("," as the
         * thousand separator, and "." as the decimal separator)
         * To allow specification of format strings according to local conventions for separator characters, add
         * the string `/i` to the end of the format string.
         * examples (123456.789):
         * - `0` - (123456) show only digits, no precision
         * - `0.00` - (123456.78) show only digits, 2 precision
         * - `0.0000` - (123456.7890) show only digits, 4 precision
         * - `0,000` - (123,456) show comma and digits, no precision
         * - `0,000.00` - (123,456.78) show comma and digits, 2 precision
         * - `0,0.00` - (123,456.78) shortcut method, show comma and digits, 2 precision
         * - `0.####` - (123,456,789) Allow maximum 4 decimal places, but do not right pad with zeroes
         * @param {Number} v The number to format.
         * @param {String} format The way you would like to format this text.
         * @return {String} The formatted number.
        number : function(v, formatString) {
            if (!formatString) {
                return v;
            var formatFn = formatFns[formatString];

            // Generate formatting function to be cached and reused keyed by the format string.
            // This results in a 100% performance increase over analyzing the format string each invocation.
            if (!formatFn) {

                var originalFormatString = formatString,
                    comma = UtilFormat.thousandSeparator,
                    decimalSeparator = UtilFormat.decimalSeparator,
                    precision = 0,

                // The "/i" suffix allows caller to use a locale-specific formatting string.
                // Clean the format string by removing all but numerals and the decimal separator.
                // Then split the format string into pre and post decimal segments according to *what* the
                // decimal separator is. If they are specifying "/i", they are using the local convention in the format string.
                if (formatString.substr(formatString.length - 2) == '/i') {
                    if (!I18NFormatCleanRe) {
                        I18NFormatCleanRe = new RegExp('[^\\d\\' + UtilFormat.decimalSeparator + ']','g');
                    formatString = formatString.substr(0, formatString.length - 2);
                    hasComma = formatString.indexOf(comma) != -1;
                    splitFormat = formatString.replace(I18NFormatCleanRe, '').split(decimalSeparator);
                } else {
                    hasComma = formatString.indexOf(',') != -1;
                    splitFormat = formatString.replace(formatCleanRe, '').split('.');
                extraChars = formatString.replace(formatPattern, '');

                if (splitFormat.length > 2) {
                        sourceClass: "Ext.util.Format",
                        sourceMethod: "number",
                        value: v,
                        formatString: formatString,
                        msg: "Invalid number format, should have no more than 1 decimal"
                } else if (splitFormat.length === 2) {
                    precision = splitFormat[1].length;

                    // Formatting ending in .##### means maximum 5 trailing significant digits
                    trimTrailingZeroes = allHashes.test(splitFormat[1]);
                // The function we create is called immediately and returns a closure which has access to vars and some fixed values; RegExes and the format string.
                code = [
                    'var utilFormat=Ext.util.Format,extNumber=Ext.Number,neg,fnum,parts' +
                        (hasComma ? ',thousandSeparator,thousands=[],j,n,i' : '') +
                        (extraChars  ? ',formatString="' + formatString + '",formatPattern=/[\\d,\\.#]+/' : '') +
                        (trimTrailingZeroes ? ',trailingZeroes=/\\.?0+$/;' : ';') +
                    'return function(v){' +
                    'if(typeof v!=="number"&&isNaN(v=extNumber.from(v,NaN)))return"";' +
                    'fnum=Ext.Number.toFixed(Math.abs(v), ' + precision + ');'

                if (hasComma) {
                    // If we have to insert commas...
                    // split the string up into whole and decimal parts if there are decimals
                    if (precision) {
                        code[code.length] = 'parts=fnum.split(".");';
                        code[code.length] = 'fnum=parts[0];';
                    code[code.length] =
                        'if(v>=1000) {';
                            code[code.length] = 'thousandSeparator=utilFormat.thousandSeparator;' +
                            'thousands.length=0;' +
                            'j=fnum.length;' +
                            'n=fnum.length%3||3;' +
                            'for(i=0;i<j;i+=n){' +
                                'if(i!==0){' +
                                    'n=3;' +
                                '}' +
                                'thousands[thousands.length]=fnum.substr(i,n);' +
                            '}' +
                            'fnum=thousands.join(thousandSeparator);' + 
                    if (precision) {
                        code[code.length] = 'fnum += utilFormat.decimalSeparator+parts[1];';
                } else if (precision) {
                    // If they are using a weird decimal separator, split and concat using it
                    code[code.length] = 'if(utilFormat.decimalSeparator!=="."){' +
                        'parts=fnum.split(".");' +
                        'fnum=parts[0]+utilFormat.decimalSeparator+parts[1];' +

                if (trimTrailingZeroes) {
                    code[code.length] = 'fnum=fnum.replace(trailingZeroes,"");';

                 * Edge case. If we have a very small negative number it will get rounded to 0,
                 * however the initial check at the top will still report as negative. Replace
                 * everything but 1-9 and check if the string is empty to determine a 0 value.
                code[code.length] = 'if(neg&&fnum!=="' + (precision ? '0.' + Ext.String.repeat('0', precision) : '0') + '")fnum="-"+fnum;';

                code[code.length] = 'return ';

                // If there were extra characters around the formatting string, replace the format string part with the formatted number.
                if (extraChars) {
                    code[code.length] = 'formatString.replace(formatPattern, fnum);';
                } else {
                    code[code.length] = 'fnum;';
                code[code.length] = '};'

                formatFn = formatFns[originalFormatString] = Ext.functionFactory('Ext', code.join(''))(Ext);
            return formatFn(v);

         * Returns a number rendering function that can be reused to apply a number format multiple
         * times efficiently.
         * @param {String} format Any valid number format string for {@link #number}
         * @return {Function} The number formatting function
        numberRenderer : function(format) {
            return function(v) {
                return UtilFormat.number(v, format);

         * Formats an object of name value properties as HTML element attribute values suitable for using when creating textual markup.
         * @param {Object} attributes An object containing the HTML attributes as properties eg: `{height:40, vAlign:'top'}`
        attributes: function(attributes) {
            if (typeof attributes === 'object') {
                var result = [],

                for (name in attributes) {
                    result.push(name, '="', name === 'style' ? Ext.DomHelper.generateStyles(attributes[name]) : Ext.htmlEncode(attributes[name]), '"');
                attributes = result.join('');
            return attributes||'';

         * Selectively do a plural form of a word based on a numeric value. For example, in a template,
         * `{commentCount:plural("Comment")}`  would result in `"1 Comment"` if commentCount was 1 or
         * would be `"x Comments"` if the value is 0 or greater than 1.
         * @param {Number} value The value to compare against
         * @param {String} singular The singular form of the word
         * @param {String} [plural] The plural form of the word (defaults to the singular with an "s")
        plural : function(v, s, p) {
            return v +' ' + (v == 1 ? s : (p ? p : s+'s'));

         * Converts newline characters to the HTML tag `<br/>`
         * @param {String} v The string value to format.
         * @return {String} The string with embedded `<br/>` tags in place of newlines.
        nl2br : function(v) {
            return Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v.replace(nl2brRe, '<br/>');

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#capitalize}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#capitalize
        capitalize: Ext.String.capitalize,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#ellipsis}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#ellipsis
        ellipsis: Ext.String.ellipsis,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#format}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#format
        format: Ext.String.format,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#htmlDecode}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#htmlDecode
        htmlDecode: Ext.String.htmlDecode,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#htmlEncode}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#htmlEncode
        htmlEncode: Ext.String.htmlEncode,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#leftPad}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#leftPad
        leftPad: Ext.String.leftPad,

         * Alias for {@link Ext.String#trim}.
         * @method
         * @inheritdoc Ext.String#trim
        trim : Ext.String.trim,

         * Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object.
         * Supports CSS-style margin declarations (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and
         * "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result).
         * @param {Number/String} v The encoded margins
         * @return {Object} An object with margin sizes for top, right, bottom and left
        parseBox : function(box) {
            box = box || 0;

            if (typeof box === 'number') {
                return {
                    top   : box,
                    right : box,
                    bottom: box,
                    left  : box

            var parts  = box.split(' '),
                ln = parts.length;

            if (ln == 1) {
                parts[1] = parts[2] = parts[3] = parts[0];
            else if (ln == 2) {
                parts[2] = parts[0];
                parts[3] = parts[1];
            else if (ln == 3) {
                parts[3] = parts[1];

            return {
                top   :parseInt(parts[0], 10) || 0,
                right :parseInt(parts[1], 10) || 0,
                bottom:parseInt(parts[2], 10) || 0,
                left  :parseInt(parts[3], 10) || 0

         * Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression.
         * @param {String} str
         * @return {String}
        escapeRegex : function(s) {
            return s.replace(/([\-.*+?\^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");